Peace and Dialogue Centers (CPD) of the State of Mexico

Learn about the four Peace and Dialogue Centers of the State of Mexico, the benefits they have in the peaceful resolution of conflicts and the challenges they face

Chapter 1


Chapter 4


Chapter 3

Peace and dialogue centers

Chapter 2


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 3

Peace and dialogue centers

Chapter 5



The Peace and Dialogue Centers emerged in 2019 in the State of Mexico and are a community space to resolve conflicts through dialogue. The centers help overcome different barriers that indigenous people face in addressing their justice needs, such as distances, costs, language barriers, stereotypes and formalistic processes.

Closeness and cultural relevance is what these centers offer their communities.

The Peace and Dialogue Centers are operated by recognized and validated people within their community, who have experience managing various conflicts in their own communities and use tools of alternative justice. The interaction of community practices and the principles of alternative justice ensure that the centers are accessible, useful and culturally relevant spaces. Aside from their benefits in expanding access to justice, the Centers face different challenges regarding their sustainability and significant challenges regarding their support by the communities themselves and the support and recognition by the Judicial Branch of the State of Mexico and the City Councils.  

This research is part of the project “Strengthening access to justice for indigenous communities in the State of Mexico through the Centers for Peace and Dialogue”, implemented with funding from the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (FCIL). This project focuses on researching the Peace and Dialogue Centers of the State of Mexico, making their operators and users visible, and strengthening them through exchanges of experiences and learning between indigenous mediators from different countries.  

The FCIL is a program of the Canadian Embassy to support projects with high impact in developing countries, aligned with the priority thematic areas of Global Affairs Canada, among which are inclusive governance, peace and security, gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
